Since October is Domestic Violence Awareness month, I wanted to reiterate some of my sentiments about the Last Kiss of Summer Gala held on September 27th at the Four Seasons Hotel in Georgetown for Second Chance Employment Services.
I spent a good part of this past summer soliciting item donations and sponsorships for this event. I did other things as well for Second Chance, but I spent a great portion of my time marketing the event in a number of different forums. I even created the Second Chance Employment Services Blog to help get the word out there and stop the silence. It really means a lot to me that the event was such a success.
The Last Kiss of Summer Gala is an annual fundraiser that takes place every September, so please do remember this event when you are planning your annual giving and calendar.
I want to now highlight the evening's event that took place last month:
The picture above is from last year's Gala event with Ludy Green (Black Suit), daughter Megan, Kathleen "Kassie" Brown (Brown Dress), and me, Stephanie Willson (Burgundy Gown and Shawl).
The silent auction was beautiful with many items that had been donated including one of my own pieces of jewelry officially found at Stephanie Willson Jewelry and listed in my previous post.
The silent auction was followed a delicious seated dinner: The Four Seasons started us off with salad, then salmon, and finally dessert. During that time we had speakers and introductions. A video was played with a woman silhouetted in the shadows as she spoke about her heart wrenching tale of desperately trying to survive her divorce with little resources and the humiliation of having to ask friends constantly for help.
Another speaker and Second Chance client went on-stage and told her tearful tale, in Spanish - the only language she can speak. This woman spoke from her heart about her trials and tribulations in trying to get survive her situation and the loving help and support that she received from Second Chance in helping her with housing, food, child care, English training, and job placement. The English translation moved the room and it was difficult to hold back a tear.
Tanya Brown, internationally acclaimed domestic violence advocate, author, and sister of Nicole Brown Simpson gave the keynote address. Tanya spoke from her heart and moved the room with her personal story and sharing the life of Nicole Brown Simpson. Tanya Brown gave a speech that penetrated and moved the room. It is truly a wonderful service that Tanya is doing by sharing her story as she delivers her message so powerfully in a way that many women wish they also could share.
Dancing ended the event to a fantastic live band!
This wonderful organization would not even exist and women would never receive the services that are not found elsewhere if it were not for the incredible support of volunteers, donors, sponsors, and supporters. Thank you for letting me share this with you.