Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Seriously - Businesses Advertising on MySpace?

An article with CIO Today called Salesforce.com Launches MySpace for Businesses addressing security risks for businesses and their customers through hackers. It seems that many businesses are already on MySpace as it is. I wondered why businesses would pay to get put onto MySpace anymore when there are now even better social networking sites. After comparing MySpace to Facebook they are as different as day and night leading a preference of users to Facebook for more privacy and more interaction with friends. I also know that when I visit Facebook I wont get bombarded with ads or friend requests from people I've never met. Businesses should look at other places to launch their websites besides MySpace where people are specifically seeking business services. There are several business focused social networks such as SecondLife and more to come. MySpace needs to do more clean up work with it's annoying advertisements before a business could seriously set up shop there.

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