Thursday, May 3, 2007

Help for Negative Blogger

I posted this on another forum for suggestions for the "terrorist" blogger that showed up on my last posting. I thought you would like to see the various range of comments and also get a chance to make your own suggestions, thoughts, and ideas on how you handle a negative blogger or how you would have handled this negative blogger:

Hi Everyone -

Today was a coordinated day for bloggers to run "One Day Silence Blog" which I did for all my blogs. I recieved a very negative blog in opposition to proving sympathy for the Victims of Virgina Tech. How do you think this should be handled? Is anyone interested in addressing the negative comment on my blog with a positive comment?

My blog address:

Thank you,



Anonymous said...

Their pain is clear, but for me, not worth responding to. No matter how thoughtful you are, their mind is already made up...

Anonymous said...

Wow. Pretty ruthless. That is like saying that until all life is cherished then no life should be. It reminds me of a story of an old man walking along a beach where thousands of fish had been washed ashore and they were slowly dying. As the old man walked he bent over and picked up a fish and threw it back in the water. He would take a couple of more steps and bend over and repeat his rescue mission. A younger man walked up and said "Old man, you will never save all of these fish. What is the point? Why even try if you can not save them all, why does it matter?" The old man took a couple of more steps and picked up another fish and as he tossed it into the water he said "It mattered to that one".

No matter what soap box you are climbing or what injustice you want remembered it is the fact that you are spreading knowledge. You are spreading peace. I find it sad that the person who commented on your blog could be so selfish to think that he should pick and choose whose life deserves mourning. The brave men and women who defend our country, signed up for that duty. These kids at Virginia Tech were simply going to school. I am not trying to minimize the importance of either situation. In war you expect casualties and loss of life not in trying to achieve higher education.

Finally, at least you are making an effort. There is nothing I hate more then someone who wants to critize you and then offer no suggestion of change. After reading this comment I would have honored a day of silence for the soliders, or written a blog in their memory, I would have signed a petition, written a letter or done anything else I was instructed to do. But, sadly the comment author just wanted to critize the fact that the world is not perfect nor is it fair and your blog got caught in the cross fire.

Anonymous said...

My recommendation is to leave it be. If you look at that commenter's profile, he's clearly looking for fuel to add to the fire. So let it go, as hard is that can be. Or pull it if you don't like it on your site. It is your blog, after all.

ilovedcblog said...

Thank you for your suggestions. It helped me resolve my personal feelings on how to handle this blog situation for today!

Anonymous said...

yeah, just ignore it... It is an opinion so it really doesn't affect you. He/ she just wants attention

Anonymous said...

Do not feed the troll!!

Ignore ignore ignore!

Seriously, the only reason someone takes the time to slam you or your thoughts is they want to get a rise out of you and make you react.

If you feel strongly about what you are doing, ignore the hater and move on. That is how I handle the haters. So far, and 4 years into it, it has worked rather well.

Sometimes, if it gets heated, I will post a simple "I understand that you feel strongly about this, but for today with this post, this is how we are doing things here. I appreciate your open candor on how you feel, though." So much easier than "fighting back" when that will do no good at all.

Anonymous said...

I agree-ignore ignore ignore!! I know from personal experience how tempting it is to fire back, but it's really best to say nothing so the person will just go away.

I'm sorry someone had to come and be nasty to you when you were doing something so nice.

Anonymous said...

Im sorry but I totally agree. Maybe not with how it was said, but overall I agree. If you lost someone very close to you would your pain be lessened if people didnt write a blog? I realize its done with the best of intentions but its isnt going to change a damn thing, I think the opposite would be more effective. Why not write about what is going on? Get the word out there. Talk about why we are so quick to blame everyone. It isnt video games fault, it isnt movies fault. But whos fault is it? I think asking these questions would be far more worthy than blog silence.

Anonymous said...

Totally ignore them. Not worth your time or energy to feed a troll.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you should ignore it, and here's why: first of all, there are definitely some valid points in the negative comment, even though there's profanity, etc. Young men and women do die in Iraq every day and those lives are every bit as precious. Secondly, remaining silent makes it look as though you are just doing this as a gesture and don't really care about what happened.

I didn't observe a day of silence today. I did post on the Virginia Tech tragedy after it happened, and I feel terribly for the survivors and the families of the dead. But I don't think silence, especially silence almost two weeks later, really does much to address the issues or create, as Manda2774 said, a dialog.

The last reason for you to post a comment in response is simply to keep people coming to your blog. Yes, it is self-serving. But if you put your beliefs in your comment, you will get people to hear you in spite of, or perhaps because of, the negative comment this guy posted.

Anonymous said...

Totally ignore. A confrontation is what this person is after - so just take your wind right of his/her sail and move on!!

Anonymous said...

He visited many sites and left the same comment... He's a complete ass and has obviously not lost anyoen in Iraq or he would have an ounce of compassion.

Sorry, I just had to get that out, didn't want to feed him in someone's comments section. You have the ability to delete the comment, do that instead of feeding his negativity.

Anonymous said...

Ignore and delete. Sorry such a jerk decided to pay you a visit when you meant well!

Anonymous said...

wow, there is more to it than what meets the eye, this person is an american, who nonetheless fought for this country. he blames everything on others, and refuses to take responsiblity for his own actions, i would not respond to this person, it will only give him/her what they want. i must say as an aunt with 2 who have been in iraq and one there now, i am offended by the persons site. writing a comment would not be worth your time. he blames mental illness, well i as well have ptds...from a rape and i do not allow or blame that for the times i have fallen. i just got up and dusted off my britches and moved on...that is what i think you should do.

ilovedcblog said...

Thank you everyone for your time, thoughts, and energy in giving me various points of view and feedback and ideas to reach a conclusion on this blogging incident!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I read that comment on your blog. Regardless of that person's feelings about the war in Iraq, s/he really shouldn't have hijacked your blog to express them. It sounds like the MM'ers here have seen the comment for what it is, a sorry attempt to draw you into an argument. Kudos to you for not "rising" to the occasion.

Liz Leitzel said...

I would have to agree with the majority here...As my mom always told me when I was dealing with negativity, just ignore it!!